Consumer Color Preferences
About Color Preferences
Mustard yellow, hot pink, or orange? Is one of these your least favorite color? Statistics show that these are the top 3 least likable colors of adults in North America in recent years. On the other hand, people in other geographic regions may see it differently. For that matter, your personal preferences may differ from others.
Your target audience – the consumer – has specific reactions to colors. It all depends on age, gender, and nationality. And that’s where statistical data makes it easy to choose the most successful colors for a product or any design.
There is no "one color fits all" solution for success.
We make color work for you
We'll help you choose colors that communicate the right message to the right audience. Nothing can be left to chance. And this is how research from Colorcom’s Global Color database can help. You'll be confident that you're in touch with consumer color preferences.
About color symbolism
The symbolism of a color differs between men and women and between teenagers and adults. There are also geographic differences.
Consequently, demographic differences define the consumer’s perceptions of colors. These are critical for all color strategies for visual communication, be it a product, a logo, a website, or any other visual image.
Explore more: "Why Color Matters"
About our research & data
Substantive data from the Global Color Survey provides the answers. We've been gathering data from over 200,000 people worldwide since 1997. The current "Global Color Survey" database is a compilation of demographic information about color symbolism and color preferences. As such, it has become the first database of its kind.
Note: Detailed information about the database can be found at the Demographic Research about Color.
Examples of clients’ requests
Here are some examples of requests for research about color:
- We’re developing colors for an anti-depressant medication targeting males ages 25-45 in North America. Which colors communicate powerful and happy?
- What are the favorite colors of women ages 20-50 all over the world? We’re working on a line of computer accessories and want to select the best 3 colors.
- I’d like to know more about the symbolism of “ lime green” by age, gender and region. Do people like this color or is it too risky?
- We’re involved in a color trademark dispute regarding the color yellow. What does this color symbolize to men and women of all ages from all over the world?

Stay up-to-the-minute on consumers’ color preferences.
Here's how demographic data about color helped a client with a critical color selection:
Wow! How cool. The color we had recommended for the packaging was purple - The client didn't like it and wanted justification for our choice. The data from the Global Color Survey showed that purple scored as either the #1 or #2 in all four age groups ! Thank you. This is going to make my presentation a lot easier.
Jim - Webster Design Group
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