Portfolio of Seminars Workshops Keynotes
We bring the power of color to you.
Color professor Jill Morton offers a series of seminars and custom workshops that create a color impact in your business and in your life. We cover all aspects of color - from design theory to color psychology and marketing.
Recent Speaking Engagements
Xerox Color Academy -Vienna, Austria and Thun, Switzerland - January 2011
Jill Morton presented three seminars about the effects of color on our mind, eyes, and body for Xerox employees in two European countries. The effects of color on marketing and business were also part of the seminars.
A.F. Smith - Color Seminar - Bermuda
"Colour Everywhere" presentations about how color can boost business and increase productivity in the workplace. One session was held for business people, one for architects and interior designers.
Embarq - Brand Forum
"How Color Communicates" was the topic for Embarq's Brand Forum in Kansas City. Jill Morton explained how personal preferences, trends, and hard-wired color responses affect our perceptions. (Plus a special focus on color and brand identity).
Ortho McNeil Pharmaceuticals (Tylenol)
Jill Morton presented a 6-hour seminar entitled "Color Impact." Color symbolism, color and marketing, brand identity, and the effects of color on pharmaceutical products were covered.
NACUFS - National Association of College & University Food Services Conference
"How to use color to create attractive and inviting dining environments and food presentations" was the focus of Jill Morton's keynote speech for the NACUFS' Western Regional Conference in Long Beach, California.
Jill Morton spoke about the impact of color as a member of Xerox’s “Panel of Color Experts” at COLOR SENSE, a global color announcement event in San Francisco, March 30, 2005. Hosted by Bill Nye ("the Science Guy”), the all day event was attended by 600 Xerox customers, industry analysts and media. The session was broadcast live to over 100,000 Xerox employees around the world.
Interior Refiners Conference
Jill Morton presented a 3-hour educational seminar for interior designers at Hilton Head, S.C. Topics included color theory and color harmony, and the scientific of color psychology and physiological responses to color.
Explore the topics that can enlighten and inspire your audience at Color Seminars & Keynote Speeches.
Attention Meeting Planners: If you're booking speakers for conferences or events, please keep “Color Matters” in mind - I deliver high-content, programs that are lots of fun. – Jill Morton