Color Publications
eBooks from Colorcom
Like voodoo, color can sway thinking, change actions, and cause reactions. Color Voodoo eBooks guide you through the use of color in a concise, richly illustrated, color-accurate format.
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Confidently choose the right color to support your message with this visual guide to color symbolism. Each of the 100 + large color swatches are defined by specific symbolic associations and RGB/HEX formulas.
The essential tool for creating the most effective and appealing color combinations for all design work. Each color scheme is matched to specific symbolism. RGB and HEX formulas are provided for precise color usage.
Global Color: Clues and Taboos
An invaluable guide to color symbolism in different global cultures. Each color is defined in terms of general symbolism, religious symbolism, national and regional symbolism.
A practical, visual guide that takes the guesswork out of color theory. This clear, concise, and fully illustrated book presents a complete picture of color terminology, harmony, and dynamic color effects. 172 illustrations
A must-have resource for presentations. Guidelines for color symbolism, rules for attractive visual designs that sustain interest, and standards for legible and attention-getting text are covered in a richly illustrated and easy-to-follow format.
Color Logic for Web Site Design
A concise visual guide to color theory for web site designers. This fully-illustrated book presents a complete picture of color terminology, harmony, and dynamic color effects. 250 illustrations
Your appearance is your calling card. It speaks before you open your mouth. Over 100 tips about how to use color in what you wear to create the right impression and the best effect. Interviews, first dates, court appearances and more.
A guide to creating a workspace where mind and body function at their best. Minimize optical fatigue, maximize productivity and create spaciousness by tapping the power of color. Formulas for harmonious color combinations.
Colors that Sell:
Tried and Tested Color Schemes
This resource presents the most successful color schemes used in the international marketplace today. Includes Large swatches of each color (with RGB and HEX values)
The entire Color Matters web site - new and revised - is now available in eBook format for you to download to your computer and use at your convenience.
Transform your home with color and create a happier and more productive place. Over 300 illustrations plus worksheets and easy to follow guidelines. You'll get the confidence to tap the power of color.
Expand your knowledge of color, boost your creativity, and supercharge your enthusiasm!
Learn online at your own pace. Packed with resources that you can use over & over again.